Those that know me well will know that I dislike winter. Despite being born in the midst of it. In fact, dislike is is too tame a word: I loathe winter. Where others take delight in the dark early evenings and relish the thought of cosy nights snuggled up indoors in front of a roaring fire, I despise it. The mere thought of it fills me with disdain. I mean, I can deal with the cold: I don't like it but, layer up, add another jumper - it's manageable isn't it? I detest snow. No, what I actually detest is the chaos that comes with snow. It's beautiful at first, waking up to virgin snowfall, streets of white, the eery sound of silence....
Yeah enough of that nonsense. We're 4 days into BST and I am LOVING it! British Summer Time. Even it's name makes me happy ☺
British - red white and blue, rolling hills, Marmite, Last Night of the Proms, Brighton/Skeggy/Barry Island, Big Ben, cream teas, the Red Arrows. Ahhh ❤
Summer - the smell of freshly cut grass, days out, birdies tweeting, traffic jams, rained-out Wimbledon, fetes and fairs, line-dried washing, strawberries, flip flops, 99s, paddling in the sea, BBQs, DFLs*, tan lines. Ahhh ❤
Time - light early mornings, lighter later evenings. Loads and loads of precious time. Ahhh ❤
The joys of the clocks changing, 'Springing forward' are still fresh and new, but in a few weeks we'll all be taking it for granted. Taking for granted that we don't have to close the curtains until gone 8 and toying with the question whether it's even worth it or is it still 'too soon' to leave them open all night? Taking for granted being able to see what we're doing, whether it be reading a book, perusing the daily newspaper, threading a needle - without having to light the house up like Blackpool Illuminations to do so. Taking for granted that, despite there still being 'a nip in the air', we've managed to ditch the gloves, the scarf & the thermal vest.
We're graced with only 217 days of this beautiful thing called BST and we've already had 4. With the longest day only 85 days away I am pledging to myself to make the most of the light on each of those 85 days. Whether it be getting out and going for an evening walk, fullfilling one of my promises to myself at the beginning of the year to read more books, or that craft project that's been on the back-burner all winter because I can't bloody see, whatever it is I will be doing something. Will you?
*DFLs? It's what we call all you lot from up in the smoke innit! Dahn From Lahndan 😉
And because this song epitomises my feelings of summer and this extended version gives you far more value for money than the original 7"☺
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