


Funny things aren't they? So many different feelings for them at so many different times of your life.

Early years: eager for daddy to come home from work so you can tell him every detail of your school day, who pulled your hair, exactly how rank the liver and bacon was for lunch, having a full-on strop when he pretended to eat your last jelly baby.

The teen years, the "wait till your father gets home" fear, the look that told you maybe no, you wouldnt be stepping out the front door "dressed like that", the sharing a love of music & '"educating" him on the genius of the Pet Shop Boys, Blondie & Adam Ant, the same as he educated you on the likes of Sinatra, Sammy & co. The lifts to here there and everywhere, the coming to get you in before your mother went loopy that you were late. For having your back, always, but you not really understanding why.

Your 20s: the friendship, the joking around, the debates, the laughter, the tears, the finally understanding why he had your back. Always.

And that's where my story ends. No next chapter. Just a brutal 'The End'.

So if you've still got yours, cherish him. Hug him, kiss him, listen to him, humour him, laugh at those bloody awful jokes you've heard 30 times before, cringe at that oh-no-not-again dad dancing, ask him all the stories you've ever wanted to know, all the gossip about all the family, all the history. Call him, tell him you love him.

Because one day, there'll be no more chapters to your story. 



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