Do you ever sit back and contemplate life and how many changes you've witnessed during yours? You may be still fortunate enough for everything around you, and at your disposal, to be all that you are familiar with. I am currently feeling all of my 50 something years as I sit here writing this. Much as I did whilst visiting a local rural museum, exhibiting an eclectic array of antiquities, amongst which, this relic sparked a myriad of memories. A tin bath. Known in our house, quite simply as, The Tin.** And it was this similar find that sparked those memories and got me thinking as to how life had changed, just during my lifetime thus far. The Tin. Growing up as we 3 did in the 60s-80s, we were not afforded the luxury of a washing machine. If there had been money for it there most definitely wasn't space in a scullery kitchen that you good scarcely swing a cat.* Washing by hand was the order of the day back then, with an occasional trip to the launderette if funds allow...