It was a man on that there tellybox recently that nailed it. Just like that! His words hit home: right to the heart. I've a few bits and pieces that have travelled this thing called life with me, things that have a significance that, until now, has been hard to explain. Of inconsequential meaning to most, I am sure. But to me, things that have an invisible bond: an unbreakable, unexplainable link, until now. Well actually until seeing aforementioned bloke on the telly. It was an episode of The Repair Shop, date unknown, not too long ago, but hey we're in lockdown and the crazy surreal atmosphere that holds, so it may have been weeks ago or it may have been months ago, who knows! Until now I've been unable to put into words the value of these "things". Because yes, dear readers, to you they will be "things": trivial things to the outsider - treasure to me. "treasure: a collection of valuable old objects."* I'm not sure a value can be att...