Do you ever wish life had a || button? You know, when you just need to stop. || Pause everything. It could be because everything is going so well: the perfect day, the perfect week. Sunshine, good health, good fortune, family, love, luck, a holiday, long hot summer days, happiness. We all have those moments when everything is spot on, life couldn't be any better than that moment right then, right now. You're skipping your way through life like Pippy Longstocking. Life. Is. Good! So good that you just want to gently press that pause button, smile, let out a long sigh & take time to observe all the good things in your life. And you don't want that moment to end. You wish you could bottle it, store it away amongst the harvest of apples or homemade pickles for a time when life is less abundant of the good things. || Or it could be that life is doing its darnedest to break you right now and you just need some respite from all the nonsense & ch...